Hello City!
We'd like to help you get to know your business community better... much better. The business license is only the handshake!
We'd like to help you get to know your business community better... much better. The business license is only the handshake!
The proprietary bizmuni business licensing system makes new business licensing and ongoing renewals QUICK & EASY. The bizmuni system provides the city with critical insights into the business community and includes city to business communication tools, business marketing tools and a powerful BUY LOCAL module that actually leads to consumer action!
bizmuni CF handles all contact with the businesses via phone, email, text and chat. Being accessible to businesses when they have business licensing questions (or questions about any of the other tools they have access to through bizmuniCF) is one of the highest indicators of a "business friendly" municipality and is key in turning businesses into fans of your city!
bizmuni CF handles all new license application fulfillment needs as well as the ongoing renewal process that drains so much time from administrative staff. From processing payment to handling both hard-copy and electronic applications (and other necessary documentation) and renewals, we'll manage it all!